
Nov 18, 2013 | P Quote - Elettroniche, P Quote - Usato



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restek 2 power amp



Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138




Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
Pic DAC 2012 D/A CONVERTER 1.790 450-550 1.826
Restek editor II EDITOR II 2012 Pre Amplifier 6.400 2200-2400 6.528
Restek Emas EMAS 2012 Preamplifier + phono 7.200 2500-2700 7.344
Pic Epal 2006 power amplifier 4.590 1600-1800 5.272
Restek Epod EPOD 2012 CD PLAYER 5.600 1300-1400 5.712
Restek Epos EPOS 2012 Integrate CD PLAYER 6.600 2300-2500 6.732
Restek epos_rot EPOS+ 2013 Integrate CD PLAYER 3.570 3.570
Pic Event 1991 power amplifier 1.950 650-800 3.015
Restek exponent Exponent 1991 power amplifier 12.000 4100-4300 18.552
Restek Extent EXTENT II 2012 Power Amp 2x350w 16.200 5500-5700 16.524
Restek extract II EXTRACT II 2012 Power Amp 1x200w mono 6.600 2200-2400 6.732
Restek Fable Fable 1983 integrated amplifier 2.800 950-1100 5.072
Restek Factor Factor 1981 integrated amplifier 2.850 1000-1500 5.371
Restek fantasy II Fantasy 2 2006 integrated amplifier 3.390 1200-1400 3.894
Pic FIL 2012 ELETTRONIC CROSSOVER + PRE PHONO 1.475 500-600 1.505
Pic HEA 2012 HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER 670 200-300 683
Restek mamp_big MAMP 2012 Power Amp 2x58w 890 300-400 908
Restek mcab_rot MCAB 2012 TUNER DAB/FM 1.400 450-550 1.428
Restek mdac_plus_rot MDAC+ 2013 D/A CONVERTER 1.610 550-650 1.610
Restek mint_rot MINT 2013 integrad amplifier 2x65w 1.895 650-750 1.895
Restek mPLA MPLA 2012 integrate CD PLAYER 192KHz/24 BIT 1.490 500-600 1.520
Restek mpre_plus_rot MPRE+ 2013 PRE PHONO 1.200 400-500 1.200
Restek mria MRIA 2012 PRE PHONO MM/MC 550 200-250 561
Restek mria_plus_rot MRIA+ 2013 PRE PHONO MM/MC 1.100 350-450 1.100
Restek msat_rot MSAT+ 2013 TUNER DBV- 990 350-450 990
Restek mtun_plus_rot MTUN+ 2013 TUNER DAB/FM 1.200 400-450 1.200
Restek RIA RIA 2012 PRE PHONO MM/MC 1.510 500-600 1.540
Pic ROO 2012 ROOM CORRECTOR 1.770 600-700 1.805
Restek sector (solo) Sector 1991 preamp 1.500 500-650 2.319
Restek sector II Sector II preamp 5600-750
Restek tensor Tensor 1991 power amplifier 2.850 1000-1150 4.406
Restek Tuner TUN 2012 TUNER DAB/FM 1.070 350-400 1.091
Restek vector Vector 1991 preamp 2.100 750-900 3.247



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Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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