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Quad II Classic Integrated amplifier
Quad II Classic Integrated Amplifier .
Un integrato valvolare “classico” come recita il titolo. E più classico di così non potrebbe essere. Dalla struttura, dall’aspetto e da quell’estetica tradizionale così inglese, quasi “modernamente vintage” si capisce già al primo sguardo che siamo in presenza di una elettronica dalla spiccata musicalità.
L’ascolto e qualche prova confronto (Cary Audio SLI 80 e Leben CS 600) non hanno fatto che darci ragione. Il Quad II è un integrato dalla voce calda e vellutata, con le medie frequenze in evidenza, come nel tipico stile della casa, ma in questo integrato, vi è un tocco di modernità, che porta la riproduzione verso una snellezza sonica maggiore rispetto ai precedenti amplificatori della storica Azienda fondata da Peter Walker.
Questa notevole presenza delle medie frequenze fanno passare gli estremi di banda appena un poco in secondo piano. La gamma bassa risulta leggermente indietro rispetto a quanto sono abituato ad ascoltare con altri integrati valvolari, con il vantaggio che non risulterà mai invadente o poco articolata. La gamma alta appare molto smussata, e questo risultato verrà apprezzato dagli appassionati degli ascolti prolungati che vogliono stare ore e ore in compagnia del proprio impianto senza dover subire fatica d’ascolto.
Il suono
La ricostruzione scenica, a causa della carenza di ariosità in gamma alta, non brilla per solidità e dislocazione, offrendo un palcoscenico un po’ piccolo e con esigui spazi a disposizione degli artisti.
Negli abbinamenti vanno privilegiati sorgenti, diffusori e cavi dall’impostazione neutra e dalla voce chiara. Soprattutto i diffusori vanno scelti tenendo presente non solo il valore della sensibilità (la potenza erogata da due KT66 per canale non è molta, anche se 25 watt a valvole non sono pochi e consentono di pilotare diverse casse acustiche), ma anche l’impostazione timbrica che deve privilegiare diffusori dalla notevole apertura sonica.
Da tenere in considerazione la buona sezione phono, sia MM che MC, in grado di regalare tanta grazia e coinvolgimento agli appassionati del vinile.
Bruno Fazzini
Quad HiFi.
Quad II Classic Integrated amplifier . The rekindled interest in 2 channel analogue hi-fi has been remarkable to witness. The popularity of vinyl has grown steadily over the last 5 years and now represents a significant proportion amongst real music enthusiasts. Quad has been at the forefront of this trend with its development of some of the world’s most stunning amplifiers, loudspeakers and phono stages. Creating a compact audiophile integrated solution for LP and Vintage Hi-End Audio lovers while working in collaboration with one of the industry’s esteemed legendary figures, Tim DeParavicini.
Through his contemporary designs based on Quad’s novel amplifier technology developed over half a century ago, our classic range of amplifier and speaker components represent far more than a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Each product represents as significant a design statement as their original counterparts.
The new Quad II Classic Integrated Amplifier is a perfectly balanced and completely integrated amplifier system to resolve system matching and offer exceptional performance and value within a relatively compact and classically styled chassis.
Performance, as you would expect from one of the most famous names in hi-fi, is nothing short of breathtaking. The 25watt-per-channel specified, belies their power and ability to drive even the most difficult loads. The remarkable output transformer design is characterized through its speed, agility and ability to convey the genuine passion of live performance….. See more
High Fidelity.
QUAD was founded in 1936 by Peter Walker, who died on Dec 10th 2003. QUAD is surely one of the audio companies that have been active for the longest period of time. QUAD is an abbreviation that translates to: “Quality Unit Amplifier Domestic” or “QUality Amplifier Domestic” – depending on whom you ask. A complete and beautifully illustrated history of this company was issued in 2002. It was titled Quad: The Closest Approach. Its author – an American, Ken Kessler, worked for many years for British audio magazine – „Hi-Fi News” (although he had a short episode with „Hi-Fi Choice” too, when it seemed that he couldn’t get along with the new management of Hi-Fi News – I informed you about the whole story in one of my leaders; Ken Kessler, Quad: The Closest Approach, International Audio Group Ltd., Cambridge, England, UK 2003). You might find a short Peter Walker’s bio written by John Atkinson HERE. His first product – preamplifier QA12 – entered the market in 1949, and two years later he offered first power amplifier. Best known Quad’s products are electrostatic loudspeakers – ESL-57 from 1957 and even bigger sales hit – ESL-63 from 1982….See more
Hifi Plus
by Jason Kennedy | Jul 19, 2010
The original Quad II mono amplifiers must be one of the most popular pieces of vintage audio going, they command high prices when condition is good and they continue to give remarkable service for a product that can be over fifty years old. When Quad was still and independent company it wasn’t interested in reviving the Quad II or making valve amplifiers at all but rather wanted to push the frontiers albeit in a not too pushy way. What’s more it’s service department did a sterling job of keeping original amps and ESL speakers going well past retirement age.
Now that Quad is under auspices of IAG its owners have had the sense to revive the Quad II and have produced more up to date variants upon it such as the II-Eighty power amp. The latest addition to the family is not actually a revival – there never was a Quad II integrated back in the day – but it is built along the same lines as that amplifier. It’s probably no bigger than two Quad IIs placed side by side and has a very similar valve complement with the added bonus of a preamplifier and phono stage onboard…….. See more

Since Peter Walker founded the business in 1936, all Quad products have displayed an originality in design, born from a full and proper understanding of every aspect of sound reproduction. A world leader in audio amplifier and electrostatic speaker design,
Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement in 1978 the only one ever presented to an audio hi-fi equipment manufacturer. For many people, buying their first Quad sound system can be a life changing experience.…See more

Quad II Classic Integrated amplifier
By Art Dudley • Posted: Nov 17, 2011
iven that Quad’s founder, the late Peter J. Walker, wasn’t around to design the Quad II Classic Integrated, the English firm relied instead on Tim de Paravicini, whose credits include the comparatively recent Quad II-eighty mono amplifiers and QC-twentyfour preamplifier (not to mention his own line of E.A.R./Yoshino electronics and countless other well-regarded products). It’s with respect for both men that I say: In turning to Tim de Paravicini, Quad has probably chosen the closest approach to the original.
The new integrated is, essentially, a pair of Quad II amplifiers (ca 1953) powered with silicon rather than glass rectification and bundled with a perfectionist-quality control unit and a solid-state phono section. According to de Paravicini, the output section runs in pure class-A and is modeled after Walker’s Acoustical circuit, in which a portion of the output transformer’s primary winding is coupled to the cathodes of the KT66 output pentode tubes (as opposed to their screen grids, as in Ultralinear output circuits). Those transformers, of course, are designed by de Paravicini, and made in England to his very exacting specifications. The amp’s output section is configured as autobias, and a bit of global feedback is used—although a less-than-typical amount is required, given that the Acoustical circuit itself provides local feedback, with apparently little loss of gain and power….See more
Dati tecnici
Description: Two-channel tubed integrated amplifier.
Tube complement: four KT66, four 12AX7, two 6922EH.
Line inputs: 3 plus tape loop.
Phono inputs: 1 (switchable, MM or MC).
Input sensitivity: 275mV (line), 2mV (MM phono), 200µV (MC phono).
Rated output power: 25Wpc into 8 ohms (14dBW).
Frequency response: 20Hz–20kHz, –1dB.
Total harmonic distortion: <0.6% at 15Wpc, 700Hz.
Dimensions: 12.1″ (310mm) W by 7.8″ (200mm) H by 14.8″ (380mm) D. Weight: 42 lbs (19.1kg).
Price: Usd 6.000,00.
Price: Eur 4.980,00.
Price: Gbp 4.500,00.