ProAc – Quote

Gen 16, 2014 | P Quote - Loudspeakers, P Quote - Usato



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(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)




Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138



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ProAc Limited is a British loudspeaker manufacturing company. The company was reportedly founded by Stewart Tyler in 1979 and registered on 09/05/1988.


The brand of ProAc was built on the reputation of his first loudspeaker manufacturing entity, Celef Audio Ltd., which was reportedly founded in 1973, incorporated on 10/09/1975 and renamed to Celef Audio International Limited on 10/12/1985.


The Celef name is no longer used for marketing, but still appears to remain the legal and financial entity operating the ProAc brand.




Pic Model Year Type Original Price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
Proac carbon pro 8 Carbon Pro 8 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.88,5dB cherry 39.770 15.908 40.565
Proac EBS E.B.S. 1983 three way loudspeakers 2.300 910-1110 4.166
Proac k6 K6 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.90dB cherry 20.020 8.008 20.420
Pic K6 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.90dB ebany 21.710 8.684 22.144
Pic Mini Tower 1992 two way loudspeaker 1.430 490-690 2.167
Proac response d80r Response  D80R 2009 three way loudspeakers 13.000 5310-5510 14.072
Proac response 2 S Response 2 S 1995 two way loudspeaker 3.050 1070-1270 4.356
Proac-response-2,5 Response 2,5 1995 two way loudspeaker 4.250 1740-1940 6.070
Proac response 3'5 Response 3.5 1995 two way loudspeaker 6.700 2350-2550 9.569
Proac response 3'8 Response 3.8 2000 two way loudspeaker 7.700 3060-3260 9.961
Proac response 4 Response 4 2000 three way loudspeakers 21.800 7800-8000 28.201
Proac response 5 Response 5 2000 three way loudspeakers 15.390 5070-5270 19.909
Proac Response D 38 Response D 38 2007 two way loudspeaker 7.600 2850-3050 8.559
Proac response d monitor Response D Monitor 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) cherry 5.180 2.072 5.284
Pic Response D Monitor 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) ebany 5.830 2.332 5.947
Proac response d monitor ribbon Response D Monitor Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) cherry 5.590 2.236 5.702
Pic Response D Monitor Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) ebany 6.240 2.496 6.365
Proac response d one Response D One 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.87,5dB cherry 2.850 1.140 2.907
Pic Response D One 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.87,5dB ebany 3.590 1.436 3.662
Pic Response D100 2005 three way loudspeakers 23.400 8550-8750 27.417
ProAc D100_b Response D100 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.(92dB) cherry 26.450 10.580 26.979
Pic Response D100 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.(92dB) ebany 30.060 12.024 30.661
Proac response d 18 Response D18 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88dB cherry 3.840 1.536 3.917
Pic Response D18 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88dB ebany 5.180 2.072 5.284
Proac response d 28 Response D28 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88,5dB cherry 6.160 2.464 6.283
Pic Response D28 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88,5dB ebany 7.640 3.056 7.793
Proac response d 30 Response D30 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) cherry 7.170 2.868 7.313
Pic Response D30 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) ebany 8.330 3.332 8.497
Proac response d 30 ribbon Response D30 Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) cherry 7.740 3.096 7.895
Pic Response D30 Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) ebany 8.900 3.560 9.078
Proac response D 38 R Response D38R 2007 two way loudspeaker 8.490 3400-3600 9.561
Proac response d 40 Response D40 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) cherry 10.020 4.008 10.220
Pic Response D40 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) ebany 11.410 4.564 11.638
Proac response d 40 ribbon Response D40 Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) cherry 10.530 4.212 10.741
Pic Response D40 Ribbon 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(90dB) ebany 11.920 4.768 12.158
Proac Response D80 Response D80 2003 three way loudspeakers 13.160 4480-4680 16.042
Proac Response two Response DTwo 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88,5dB cherry 3.220 1.288 3.284
Pic Response DTwo 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.88,5dB ebany 4.080 1.632 4.162
Proac response er one Response ER One 2012 Subwoofer + aplifier 150 watt, woofer 250mm cherry 3.930 1.572 4.009
Pic Response ER One 2012 Subwoofer + aplifier 150 watt, woofer 250mm ebany 4.770 1.908 4.865
Proac Response one Response One 1990 two way loudspeaker 1.180 330-530 1.861
Proac Response three Response three 1990 three way loudspeakers 4.000 1990-2190 6.308
Proac response tri tower Response Tri-Tower 2012 Loudspeakers 3 way bass reflex bi-wired.88dB cherry 3.670 1.468 3.743
Proac Response two Response two 1990 two way loudspeaker 2.400 1070-1270 3.785
Proac studio centro Studio  Centre Channel 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) cherry 2.370 948 2.417
Pic Studio  Centre Channel 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(89dB) ebany 2.880 1.152 2.938
proac studio 1 Studio 1 1986 two way loudspeaker 1.000 400-450 1.707
Proac studio 100 Studio 100 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired. (88dB) cherry 2.660 1.064 2.713
Proac Studio 110 Studio 110 2006 two way loudspeaker 1.350 410-610 1.551
Proac studio 115 Studio 115 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(88,5dB) cherry 1.960 784 1.999
Proac Studio 130 Studio 130 2005 two way loudspeaker 2.140 780-980 2.507
proac studio 140 Studio 140 2005 two way loudspeaker 2.600 990-1190 3.046
Proac studio 140 mkII Studio 140 Mk2 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(91dB) cherry 3.260 1.304 3.325
Proac-Studio-150 Studio 150 1996 two way loudspeaker 2.200 820-1020 3.081
Proac STUDIO 200 Studio 200 1994 two way loudspeaker 2.800 990-1190 4.079
Proac Studio 250 Studio 250 1998 two way loudspeaker 3.300 1240-1440 4.441
Pic Studio 3 1983 three way loudspeakers 1.500 1570-1770 2.717
Proac Studio 3 ebs Studio 3 EBS 1984 three way loudspeakers 2.200 2660-2860 3.907
Proac Studio Tower Studio Tower 1990 three way loudspeakers 3.680 1570-1770 5.803
Proac-Super-Tablette. Super Tablette 1990 two way loudspeaker 670 280-480 1.057
Proac super tower Super Tower 1990 two way loudspeaker 2.080 910-1110 3.280
proac-super-tower mkII Super Tower  Mk II 1992 three way loudspeakers 2.150 910-1110 3.259
Proac Tablette Tablette 1983 two way loudspeaker 360 160-360 652
proac-tablette-50 Tablette 50 1993 two way loudspeaker 930 280-480 1.382
Proac Tablette Anniversary Tablette Anniversary 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(86,5dB) cherry 2.150 860 2.193
Pic Tablette Anniversary 2012 Loudspeakers 2 way bass reflex bi-wired.(86,5dB) ebany 2.310 924 2.356
Proac Tablette II Tablette II 1991 two way loudspeaker 740 280-480 1.144
Proac Tablette- III Tablette III 1994 two way loudspeaker 800 250-450 1.165
Proac Tablette Ref. 8 Tablette Ref. 8 2002 two way loudspeaker 1.390 450-650 1.728


Per ascolti e info



Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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