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PrimaLuna DiaLogue Three preamplifier
PrimaLuna DiaLogue Three preamplifier . Prodotto olandese dall’eccellente rapporto qualità/prezzo che si è da tempo imposto sul mercato mondiale per la sua estetica semplice e pulita, la sua affidabilità e le sue caratteristiche soniche orientate alla modernità musicale nonostante l’esclusivo uso di tubi termoionici.
Questa ditta produce il pre qui presentato (ora sostituito con il più recente modello Premium Preamp), quattro integrati, due finali stereo, due finali mono e due lettori CD.
La timbrica sostanzialmente neutra, solo lievemente tendente all’ambrato e con una trama sonora setosa, grazie alla sua ricchezza armonica, rende il suono di questo pre trasparente e arioso, nonostante il costo del Dialogue Three sia assolutamente abbordabile.
Niente sonorità old stile per questo moderno valvolare, che regala emozioni e contrasti dinamici in un delizioso connubio.
Ad opera di questa ariosità la struttura della scena acustica risulta forte e ferma, conferendo spazio agli artisti collocati sul palcoscenico immaginario.
La vivacità dinamica di questa elettronica ne consente l’abbinamento sia con finali a valvole che con quelli a stato solido; la scelta sarà esclusivamente una questione di gusti.
Quello che va tenuto a mente è che il PrimaLuna non è un pre difficile o schizzinoso: la sua facilità di adattamento consente semplici interfacciamenti e ottime soddisfazioni soniche con molte altre macchine da Musica.
E’ evidente che, data la non elevata categoria economica di appartenenza di questo pre, non si possono pretendere risultati di raffinatezza assoluta, di dinamica travolgente o di estrema focalizzazione come in apparecchi dal costo triplo a quello dell’oggetto della nostra “Quick Info”.
In ogni caso, nella categoria dei 2.500 euro, questo pre della PrimaLuna ha davvero pochi concorrenti.
Bruno Fazzini
PrimaLuna DiaLogue Three preamplifier
By Art Dudley • Posted: Aug 12, 2011
At what point does a domestic audio product cease to be an appliance and assume a loftier place in one’s home and heart?
We all can agree that a Bose Wave CD player sits at one end of that continuum, a Koetsu Jade Platinum phono cartridge at the other—but what of all the products in between? Scarcity, mode of manufacture, appearance, even sentimentality (“This is just like the one my father used to have!”)—each plays a role, but there’s no doubt that price tops the list: The more we pay, the more we love (footnote 1).
If we remove price from the equation, what then? Is sheer quality enough to tip the balance? Given the availability of audio goods designed in America or Europe and manufactured in the Far East, the answer may already be at hand: Although hand-wired vacuum-tube electronics have long been among the most cherished audio heirlooms, those sorts of thing are now available at popular prices, as the saying goes…..See more
6 Moons
Reviewer: Srajan Ebaen
Says Herman van den Dungen about his brand name: “In Italian, it of course means First Moon. My grandmother, an aristocratic lady in a small Dutch village, called my grandfather Herman Maantje, meaning Little Moon. The name stuck with the villagers and me.” (And for those suspicious of the name’s true Italian roots, there is a small town 50 kilometers north of Milano called Primaluna, near Lake Como.) Adds Kevin Deal, PrimaLuna’s exclusive US distributor: “Herman is the Benelux importer for Krell, Conrad-Johnson, Sonus Faber and the man behind Ah! Tjoeb, a brand I’d imported from him for a while. For PrimaLuna, Herman commissioned Marcel Croese who was Goldmund’s chief engineer and designer. Herman and Dominique bought a house in China and she is learning the language.”…See more
PrimaLuna ProLogue Premium Stereo Tube Preamplifier
Written by John E. Johnson, Jr.
We have been on a roll with reviewing PrimaLuna and Mysterè products, and they have all sounded terrific. The current review is on the PrimaLuna ProLogue Premium Preamplifier, and would you believe it . . . it sounds terrific too. Compared to the standard version of the preamplifier, the Premium has a new front-end design using all 12AU7’s in a dual-mono configuration, a larger power transformer, home theater pass-through, a remote control while still using the higher end Alps Blue Velvet potentiometer, larger chassis with DiaLogue class cosmetics, tube rectification, and point to point wiring….See more
Audio Asylum
Preamp Shootout: McIntosh C33 vs. PrimaLuna Prologue 3
Posted by mike555 (A) on August 4, 2013 at 16:19:33
I have had the opportunity to test two very different but excellent preamplifiers in my stereo system. These preamps are: 1) the McIntosh C33, a solid state unit from the early 1980s, recently recapped and restored by Terry DeWick; and 2) the PrimaLuna Prologue 3, a tubed unit of more recent vintage. This post consists of a comparison and contrast between the performance of the two preamps.
The remainder of my system, for the purposes of testing, consists of a McIntosh MC2105 amplifier, McIntosh MS300 music server as source, Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand bookshelf speakers, Audioquest Golden Gate interconnects, and Mapleshade Clearview speaker cables. (The McIntosh C33 has a reputedly excellent phono stage as well, but it will not be considered for the purposes of the present review.)…See more
Price Usd 2.600,00
Price Gbp 2.400,00
Description: Line-level, remote-control, tubed preamplifier.
Inputs: 5, on RCA jacks. Outputs: 2, on RCA jacks.
Tube complement: two 5AR4, four 12AU7.
Maximum voltage gain: 12dB.
Frequency response: 10Hz–130kHz, +0/–3dB.
Input impedance: 220k ohms.
Input sensitivity: 220mV.
Output impedance: 2500 ohms. THD: 0.15% at 2V.
Signal/noise ratio: >100dB (weighted) at 2V.
Dimensions: 15.2″ (385mm) W by 8.3″ (210mm) H by 15.9″ (405mm) D. Weight: 52.9 lbs (24kg).