

Avalon logo




Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


Per ascolti e info


email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138


Avalon Tesseract Statement ambiente ridotta

 Avalon Tesseract Statement




Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation eur Estimated price Eur
Avalon Arcus Arcus 1998 2 way loudspeaker 10000 2900/3100 13459
Avalon Ascendant Ascendant 2004 2 way loudspeaker 13900 4900/5100 16612
Avalon Ascendant Ascendant 2 2006 2 way loudspeaker 13900 6900/7100 15967
Pic Ascent 1986 3 way loudspeaker 16000 4700/4900 27310
Avalon Ascent MKII Ascent MkII 1990 3 way loudspeaker 15500 5100/5300 24442
Avalon Avatar Avatar 1991 2 way loudspeaker 6000 2400/2600 9276
Avalon Eclipse Eclipse 1988 2 way loudspeaker 16750 3300/3500 11074
Avalon Eidolon Eidolon 1998 3 way loudspeaker 31000 9800/10000 41722
Avalon Eidolon Diamond Eidolon Diamond 2003 3 way loudspeaker 51780 21900/22100 63120
Avalon Eidolon Vision Eidolon Vision 2005 3 way loudspeaker 34000 14900/15100 39836
Avalon Indra Indra 2007 3 way loudspeaker 24900 11900/12100 28041
Avalon Isis Isis 2006 3 way loudspeaker 74000 34900/35100 85003
Avalon Mixing Monitor Mixing Monitor 2003 2 way loudspeaker 6500 3100/3300 7923
Avalon Mixing Monitor II Mixing Monitor II 2007 2 way loudspeaker 7000 2900/3100 7883
Avalon Monitor Monitor 1994 2 way loudspeaker 4250 2400/2600 6191
Avalon NP sub NP Sub 2005 1 way loudspeaker 3990 1500/1700 4675
Avalon Opus Opus 1999 3 way loudspeaker 25000 9900/10100 32987
Avalon Opus Ceramique Opus Ceramique 2003 3 way loudspeaker 26000 9400/9600 31694
Avalon Osiris Osiris 1995 5 way N,D. 18900/19100 ND
Pic Radian 1993 3 way loudspeaker 15000 4400/4600 22289
Avalon radian HC Radian HC 1996 3 way loudspeaker 19500 4900/5100 27305
Avalon sentinel (2) Sentinel 1999 4 way loudspeaker 180000 39900/40100 237506
Avalon Studio pro Studio Pro 2003 2 way loudspeaker 3600 1100/1300 4388
Pic Symbol 2002 2 way loudspeaker 5280 1700/1900 6565
Avalon Symbol sub Symbol Sub 2005 1 way loudspeaker 8490 2700/2900 9947
Avalon Tesseract Statement singola Tesseract Statement 4 way loudspeaker Usd 299000 Usd 80000/100000
Avalon Time Time 2009 3 way loudspeaker 62300 28400/28600 67436
Avalon Trascendent Trascendent 2011 2 way loudspeaker 19800 10900/11100 20600


Per ascolti e info


email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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