Acoustic Research

Lug 28, 2013 | P Quote - Loudspeakers, P Quote - Usato



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138


Acoustic Research


Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
AR 10 Pi AR 10 Pi 1974 3 way loudspeaker 325 800/1000 704
AR 11 AR 11 1976 3 way loudspeaker 345 400/600 718
AR 12 AR 12 1976 3 way loudspeaker 265 100/300 551
AR 14 AR 14 1976 2 way loudspeaker 180 100/300 375
AR 15 AR 15 1978 2 way loudspeaker 170 100/300 340
AR 16 AR 16 1976 2 way loudspeaker 120 100/300 250
AR 17 AR 17 1977 2 way loudspeaker 116 100/300 237
AR 18 AR 18 1978 2 way loudspeaker 100 100/300 200
AR 2aX AR 2aX 1972 3 way loudspeaker 145 100/300 327
AR 3a AR 3a 1972 3 way loudspeaker 280 400/600 631
AR 3a Improved AR 3a Improoved 1974 3 way loudspeaker 263 500/700 569
PicAR 4xA AR 4xA 1972 2 way loudspeaker 70 100/300 158
AR-5.jpg AR 5 1972 3 way loudspeaker 185 100/300 417
AR 6 AR 6 1972 2 way loudspeaker 88 100/300 198
AR 7 AR 7 1972 2 way loudspeaker 60 100/300 135
AR 9 AR 9 1978 4 way loudspeaker 1740 700/900 3480
AR 9 LS AR 9 LS 1981 4 way loudspeaker 1690 500/700 3185
AR 90 AR 90 1980 4 way loudspeaker 1415 300/500 2720
AR 9 15 AR 9 15 1980 3 way loudspeaker 980 200/400 1884
AR LST AR LST 1972 3 way loudspeaker 500 900/1100 1126
AR LST2 AR LST2 1974 3 way loudspeaker 375 600/800 812
AR MST AR MST 1974 2 way loudspeaker 125 100/300 271
AR M5 M5 1991 3 way loudspeaker 1100 300/500 1701
AR M6 M6 1991 4 way loudspeaker 1230 400/600 1902
AR Model 2 Model 2 1993 pre-amp 2160 700/900 3210
AR Universal Amp Universal 1972 integrated amplifier 160 100/300 360
Pic Universal 1972 syntesizer and amplificator unit 270 100/300 608
AR XA XA 1972 record player 80 100/300 180
AR XB XB 1975 record player 70 100/300 149

Acoustic Research


Per ascolti e info



Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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