E A R – Esoteric Audio Research

Set 2, 2013 | P Quote - Elettroniche, P Quote - Usato


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E A R – Esoteric Audio Research



Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


Per ascolti e info


email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

Tin de paravicini

Tim De Paravicini

There are very few modern designers in the audio field who can claim as much as de Paravicini. No aspect of the recording and reproduction chain has been left untouched, no aspect of circuit design not further researched and developed.

As early as 1965 Tim was involved in custom design work for rock and roll bands; manufacturing his own public address equipment, and modifying existing studio equipment to realise even greater potential…..  see more


E A R – Esoteric Audio Research

Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
EAR 324Paravicini 324 2005 pre amp phono transistor 4919 1900 5763
EAR 509 509 1981 power amp 1×100 mono 1440 1250 2714
Pic 509 Silver Jubilee 2012 power amp 1×100 mono 12542 5000-6000 12793
Pic 510 Silver Jubilee LE 2012 power amp 1×100 mono balanced 12979 5000-6001 13239
Pic 516 1982 power amp 2x50w valve 1100 670 2032
Pic 518 1981 power amp 2x100w valve 1640 760 3091
ear 534 534 2005 power amp 2x50w 5613 2200 6577
ear 549 549 1988 power amp 2x200w 3850 1820 6316
EAR 802 802 1988 pre amp 1230 760 2018
EAR 834 834 2005 integrade amp 2x50w valve 5368 2000 6289
EAR 859_2 859 2005 integrated amp 2x13w 4420 2000 5179
EAR 861 861 2005 power amp 2x32w 8270 3300-3800 9690
EAR 864 864 2005 pre amp 3330 1520 3902
EAR 868 Valve Pre Amplifier 868L 2009 pre amp valve 4854 1900-2200 5254
Pic 868L De Luxe 2009 pre amp valve + phono mm/mc 6468 2600-2900 7001
EAR 869 869 2005 integrated amp 2x15w 5757 2300-2500 6745
Ear 890- 890 2005 power amp 2x70w 7026 2480-3000 8232
ear 899 899 2005 integrated amp 2x70w – Pre passive 7265 2700-3200 8512
EAR 912 912 2007 pre amp 10683 4570 12031
EAR Acute DAC Acute DAC Crome 2010 DAC converter 5569 2250-2600 5910
Pic Acute DAC Black 2010 DAC converter 5023 2100-2400 5330
EAR MC4 Cartridge Transformer MC4 Cartridge Transformer
Cartridge Transformer 1927 770-800 2086
EAR Primary-Drive-Speakers   Primary Drive Loudspeaker 2009 Loudspeakers 3 way- (10-inch in the
6800 3000-3200 7361
EAR Primary-Drive-Speakers   Primary Drive Small 2009 Loudspeakers 3 way- (8-inch in the smaller speaker) 6588 3000-3200 7131
EAR paravicini 312 2 312 Control Center 2005 pre amp 21960 8100 25730
Pic 509 gold 2005 power amp 1x100w 22870 9520 26796
EAR 509 509 MKI 1985 power amp 1x100w 10000 2800-3500 17410
EAR 509_mkll 509 MKII 1988 power amp 1x100w mono 2480 1140 4069
EAR 834L LINESTAGE 834L 2009 pre amp Line stage 1436 550-600 1554
EAR 834L Chrome Deluxe 834L Chrome Deluxe 2009 pre amp linea 2393 950-1050 2590
EAR 834P Delux Crome 834P De Luxe Crome 2009 pre phono 2169 850-900 2348
EAR 834P MM Normal 834P MM Normal 2009 pre phono 1436 530-600 1554
EAR 834P MM-MC Signature 834P MM-MC Signature 2009 pre phono 1604 600-660 1736
ear 834p signature 834P Signature 2009 pre phono 1255 610 1358
EAR 834T 834T 2005 integrated amp 2x50w 5757 2200-2500 6745
Pic 88PB 2009 pre phono 4919 1950-2300 5324
ear 8L6 8L6 2005 integrated amp 2x50w 5757 2200-2500 6745
EAR cd acute CD Acute 2007 CD integrato 4770 2200 5372
Pic CD Acute III Crome 2009  CD Player 5749 2300-2600 6223
Pic CD Acute III Black 2009  CD Player 5195 2050-2200 5623
EAR CD Acute Valve CD Acute Valve 2009  CD Player
EAR HP4 Headphone Amplifier t HP4 Headphone 2009 Headphone Amplifier t 4854 1950-2100 5254
ear m100 M100 2005 power amp 1x100w mono 43429 17000-17800 50884
Pic Master Disk 2009 Turntable 16017 6400-6700 17337
Ear Master Disk 7 Master Disk 2009 Turntable + tonearm 18860 7300-7800 20415
EAR Tonearm Tonearm 2009 tonearm 4027 1600-2000 4359
EAR V12 V12 2009 integrated amp 2x50w class a 7800 3300-3600 8443
EAR V20 V20 1998 integrated amp 2x24w class a 5200 2000-2500 6999

E A R – Esoteric Audio Research

Per ascolti e info


email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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