YBA – Gala Reference + 2 Woofer



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email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138


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By Bruno Fazzini

Graphic Massimo Piantini


2 vie con + woofer in box separato

Mid-Woofer satelliti con doppia bobina

Condizioni: eccellenti


YBA  sono diffusori da stand con 2 woofer separati. Costruzione eccellente con cabinet solidamente costruiti.

La forma irregolare e speculare, assolve al compito di rifasare gli altoparlanti e di minimizzare le risonanze interne. Il wofer separato, svincolato dai satelliti, consente di scegliere la posizione migliore in ambiente per minimizzare le onde stazionarie a bassa frequenza.


Cabinet solido e non risuonante.

Per ottenere i massimi risultati, richiedono elettroniche equilibrate su tutta la gamma e in grado di erogare potenze impulsive.

Correttamente posizionate in ambiente, riescono a ricreare un corretto spazio sonoro.







YBA – Gala Reference + 2 Woofer

2 ways with + woofer in separate box

Satellite mid-woofer with double coil

Conditions: excellent





Stand speakers with 2 separate woofers. Excellent construction with solidly constructed cabinets.

The irregular and specular shape fulfills the task of rephasing the speakers and minimizing internal resonances. The separate woofer, unencumbered by satellites, allows you to choose the best position in the environment to minimize low frequency stationary waves.


Solid and non-resonant cabinet.

For maximum results, they require balanced electronics, across the entire range and capable of delivering impulsive powers.

Correctly positioned in the environment, they manage to recreate a correct sound space.



YBA philosophy

YBA products are beautiful to look at and extraordinary to listen to. These are products that do not change every year and are therefore designed to last. Indeed, a product that reproduces music today will reproduce it tomorrow and in 20 years. To own some of the most sought after and most stable products in the market … there can be nothing better



Per ascolti e info


email: sophoshiend@gmail.com

Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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