Phase Linear

Ott 28, 2013 | P Quote - Elettroniche, P Quote - Usato



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaPrice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottoPossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur Quotation in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneIn red are Notes by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

  bob carver 1

bob carver 2

Bob Carver

La Linear Phase è stata una azienda produttrice di apparecchiature audio, fondata da Bob Carver e Steve Johnston nel 1970. Conosciuta soprattutto come una società di amplificatore di potenza ha anche prodotto diversi preamplificatori innovativi, sintonizzatori e anche l’altoparlante Andromeda.

Phase Linear was an audio equipment manufacturer founded by Bob Carver and Steve Johnston in 1970. While primarily known as a power amplifier company it also produced several innovative preamplifers, tuners and the Andromeda loudspeaker.

Phase Linear


Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
phase linear 180 sonic loc. 180 sonic localizer
phase linear 200 200 1976 power amp 2x105w 300 150-200 624
phase linear 201 201 power amp 2x100w
phase linear 300 300 1979 power amp 2x120w 420 200-250 823
phase linear 400 400 1972 power amp 2x200w 420 200-230 946
phase linear 700 700 1973 power amp 2x350w 400 180-280 883
phase linear 1000 1000 1975 Autocorreletor noise reduction 50-100
Pic 2000 1975 preamp 1.080 150-200 2.292
Pic 3300 1980 preamp 420 100-150 807
phase linear 4000 4000 1973 preamp 450 150-280 994
phase linear 5000 5000 1976 tuner 350 80-150 728
Phase Linear 5200 5200 1982 tuner usd 450 150-200
phase linear 1000 two (2) 1000 Two 1975 audiocorrelator usd 1500 120
phase linear 1100 two 1100 Two 1979 equalizer parametric usd 600 100-150
phase linear 1200 analyzer 1200 two 1979 real time analyzer usd 400 50-100
phase linear 1300 av noise red 1300 AV audio v.nois reduction
phase linear 1400 eq 1400 Two 1981 equalizer 80-150
phase linear 200 two 200 Two 1978 power amp 2x120w 290 150-250 580
Phase Linear 2000 Series Two Preamplifier 2000 Two 1978 preamp 270 150-200 540
phase linear 200B 200B 1977 power amp 2x100w usd 200 180-280
phase linear 220 decoder 220 Decoder nois reduction
Phase Linear 300 Series Two 300 Two 1979 power amp 2x120w usd 500 120-200
phase linear 3000 Two 3000 Two 1978 preamp 460 150-220 920
phase linear 3300 two 2 3300 Two preamp 50-100 0
Phase Linear 3500 two 3500 Two preamp 150-200 0
phase linear 400 two 400 Two 1978 power amp 2x210w 530 300-400 1.060
phase linear 4000 two 4000 Two 1978 preamp 550 250-350 1.100
phase linear 5000 two 5000 Two 1978 tuner usd 550 200-250
Phase Linear 5100 two 2 5100 Two 1983 tuner usd 450 50-70
phase linear 6000 audio delay 6000 Two audio delay
Phase Linear 700 Two 700 Two 1978 power amp 2x350w 730 230-300 1.460
Phase-Linear-7000 two 7000 Two casset deck usd 1350 700-800
phase linear 700b 700B 1974 power amp 2x350w 500 300-500 1.082
phase linear 8000 two 8000 two 1979 turntable (like Pioneer PL1000) usd 350
phase linear 9500 cd-player 9500 CD 1983 cd player 250-350
phase linear pro A15 A15 (pro) 1982 power amp 2x65w 50-100
a30 A30 (pro) 1980 powr amp 2x125w 50-100
phase linear pro A60 A60 (pro) 1982 power amp 2x225w 60-150
phase linear DRS 250 DRS 250 1983 integrate amp 2x50w usd 875
phase linear drs 400 DRS 400 1982 power amp 2x50w usd 695
phase linear drs 900 DRS 900 1092 power amp 2x150w usd 1095
phase linear dual 500 two Dual 500 two 1978 power amp 2x505w 1.150 300-350 2.300
phase linear pro 700 Pro 700 1982 power amp 2x360w 100-250
phase linear x20 crossover x20 xover 50-100
phase linear andromeda III 4 Antromeda III 1980 loudspeakers 4 way + sub-woofer usd 1350 250-350
phase linear p530 P530 1977 loudspeakers 3 way with Pioneer Ribbon Tweeter
phase linear p560 P560 1977 loudspeakers 3 way with Pioneer Ribbon Tweeter 150-200
phase linear p580 P580 1977 loudspeakers 3 way with Pioneer Ribbon Tweeter  usd 750 200-250


Per ascolti e info



Bruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347  1402138

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  phase linear andromeda III

Andromedra III Front




phase linear andromeda III 2

Andromeda III + Sub Woofer



phase linear andromeda system

Andromeda III  System



phase linear


phase linear system