Cello Audio Palette – Un mito
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Graphic Massimo Piantini
L’ Audio Palette è uno degli oggetti, della storia dell’ Hi Fi, più conosciuti e invidiati dagli appassionati. La sua fama non è usurpata, perché i materiali e la sua realizzazione sono senza compromessi. Mark Levinson quando lo progettò, volle realizzare quello, che il quel periodo secondo lui, era il massimo possibile in fatto di circuitazione, materiali e suono. Se ancor oggi se ne parla come di un oggetto top, l’obbiettivo del costruttore è stato raggiunto.
Non è solo un pre, ma anche un equalizzatore a 6 bande.
La costruzione meccanica e di primissimo livello, con selettori e commutatori, per l’equalizzazione, di qualità assoluta. L’alimentazione separata, assicura massimo isolamento tra segnale e corrente di rete. Le stesse connessioni tra alimentare e Palette, denotano un’attenzione alle massime prestazioni ( non c’è connettore, ma cavi che si avvitano a solidi morsetti).
Poterne venire in possesso ad un prezzo adeguato, è sicuramente il sogno di moltissimi appassionati.
Massimo Piantini
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Looking back at the more than 25 years that there has been a Cello, the endeavor has always had the same motto – “The justification for a great music system is the same as for a great instrument: It makes possible a musical experience that cannot be duplicated by lesser means”.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, Italian master instrument makers developed and virtually perfected what we regard today as the modern string instruments. The name, Cello, embodies the spirit and concept of the products from Matthew James’ Showroom. In the……….
Historical Chronology of Cello Product Introductions
January 1985 Audio Palette and Master Supply
March 1985 Cello Strings I Interconnect Cable
July 1985 Audio Suite Modular Preamplifier
June 1986 Performance Amplifier and Amati Speaker
June 1987 Etude Passive Preamplifier
July 1988 Encore Preamplifier
October 1990 Palette Preamplifier
May 1991 Cello Strings II and III Speaker Cables
September 1991 Duet 350 Amplifier and Strad Grand Master Speaker
October 1991 Encore 50 Amplifier
November 1991 Strad Master Speaker
April 1992 Strad Premiere Speaker
April 1993 Encore Line Preamplifier
August 1994 Strad Legend Speaker
September 1994 Serafin Active Speaker
December 1995 Encore 150 Amplifier
July 1997 Elves Speakers
January 2003 Rhapsody Amplifier
January 2006 Chorale Preamplifier and Master Power Supply
March 2010 Encore Amplifier
Mark Levinson
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The Audio Palette
Richard S. Burwen developed the concept for the Audio Palette. Burwen found that certain tone control adjustments were necessary to obtain the most natural, lifelike sound from recordings.
Cello has identified the major cause of sonic problems in recordings as the tonal balance that has been adjusted by the recording and mastering engineers in the studio. Each engineer uses a monitoring system that is unique. Because the tonal balance of each system is different, each recording is different. Engineers primarily use equalization to optimize tonal balance for the best sound on their system.
The Audio Palette advances musical realism more than any other single component. Tonal balance can be corrected from the most delicate and subtle adjustments for the best recordings, to the most extreme and dramatic adjustments for vintage material, in order to restore the vitality and life to recordings of music without sonic deterioration.
The Audio Palette is used by record companies, mastering laboratories, and also by discriminating home listeners.
Richard S. Burwen developed the concept for the Audio Palette. Burwen found that certain tone control adjustments were necessary to obtain the most natural, lifelike sound from recordings…….
Per ascolti e infoemail: sophoshiend@gmail.comBruno Fazzini – tel. + 39 347 1402138 |
Website Cello – Matthew James
Cello, by Marl Levinson – Download PDF review
Cello Link Review
Audio Palette
Product Specifications:
The Standard Version of the Audio Palette has one (1) Fischer 3-pin balanced input. The Multiple Input Version (M.I.V.) Audio Palette total of four (4) inputs, one (1) Fischer 3-pin balanced and three (3) single ended.
One (1) set of single ended and one (1) set of Fischer 3-pin balanced main outputs are provided.
Two (2) sets of single ended record outputs are provided.
Frequency Adjustment Controls:
25 kHz control: +/- 24 dB in 1.00 dB increments
5 kHz control: +/- 12 dB in 0.50 dB increments
2 kHz control: +/- 6 dB in 0.25 dB increments
500 Hz control: +/- 6 dB in 0.25 dB increments
120 Hz control: +/- 14.5 dB in 0.50 dB increments
15 Hz control: +/- 29 dB in 1.00 dB increments
19″w / 7.4″h / 14.1″d (Audio Palette)
19″w / 3.9″h / 8.5″d (Master Supply)
Shipping Weight:
41 lbs. (Audio Palette)
35 lbs. (Master Supply)